* simplePass - A JavaScript password generator.
* Copyright (C) 2023 Jordan Vezina(staticBanter)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
'use strict';
import config from "../simplePass.config.js";
import simplePass from "../simplePass.js";
import messageHandler from "./messageHandler.js";
* @file
* @module initializer
* Sets the ```innerText``` or ```value``` of an element.
* @function setInnerTextOrValue
* @param {HTMLElement|HTMLInputElement} element The element that the string will be set in
* @param {string} value The string to set inside of the element.
* @returns {void}
function setInnerTextOrValue(element, value) {
if ((element instanceof HTMLInputElement)) {
element.value = value;
else {
element.innerText = value;
* Gets the ``innerText``` or ```value``` of an element.
* @function getInnerTextOrValue
* @param {HTMLInputElement|HTMLElement} element The element to get the string from.
* @returns {string} The string inside of the element
function getInnerTextOrValue(element) {
if ((element instanceof HTMLInputElement)) {
return element.value;
else {
return element.innerText;
* Injects the generated password and if necessary the corresponding password stats.
* @function injectSimplePass
* @param {HTMLElement|HTMLInputElement} passwordTarget The element that the password will be injected into.
* @param {string|strengthCheckedPassword} password The password or [Strength Check Password object]{@link module:strengthCheckedPassword} to inject into the password target.
* @param {HTMLElement|HTMLInputElement|null} [entropyTarget] The element that the entropy calculation will be inserted into.
* @requires setInnerTextOrValue
* @requires injectStrengthStats
* @returns {void}
function injectSimplePass(passwordTarget, password, strengthChecks) {
if (typeof (password) === 'string') {
setInnerTextOrValue(passwordTarget, password);
else {
setInnerTextOrValue(passwordTarget, password.password);
if (strengthChecks) {
injectStrengthStats(password, strengthChecks);
* Injects password strength stats into provided elements.
* @function injectStrengthStats
* @param {strengthCheckedPassword} password The strength checked password object
* @param {object} elements An object defining the HTML Elements to inject the stats into.
* @requires setInnerTextOrValue
function injectStrengthStats(password, elements) {
Object.entries(elements).forEach(([key, element]) => {
if (element) {
key = key.replace('Target', '');
if (password.compressionStats
&& Object.keys(password.compressionStats).includes(key)
&& password.compressionStats[key]) {
setInnerTextOrValue(element, password.compressionStats[key]);
else if (Object.keys(password).includes(key)) {
setInnerTextOrValue(element, password[key]);
* Initialization function used to automate the setup of inject passwords and registering events for various elements used by the program.
* This function is currently also needed to preform batch password generation.
* @function initializer
* @param cFig A [simplePass configuration]{@link config} object
* @requires messageHandler
* @requires injectSimplePass
* @requires simplePass
* @requires injectStrengthStats
* @requires getInnerTextOrValue
* @returns {void}
export default function initializer(cFig = config) {
* Ensure these default values are always present.
if (!cFig.defaultPasswordModifier) {
cFig.defaultPasswordModifier = Object.assign(config.defaultPasswordModifier, cFig.defaultPasswordModifier);
let messageBoard = null;
if (cFig.messages
&& cFig.messages.messageBoard) {
messageBoard = document.body.querySelector(cFig.messages.messageBoard);
* These elements get used repeatedly throughout the function.
* We will query for them here and initialize their variables.
const passwordTarget = document.body.querySelector(cFig.elements.passwordTarget);
* If we have no target stop here.
* We have nothing else to do.
if (!passwordTarget) {
messageHandler(`ERROR.simplePass-I.1: Could not find a password target`, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
* Because `messageHandler` might not throw an error
* we have to explicitly declare a return here so we can bail out.
* We need a password target to continue.
let targetElements = {};
if (cFig.strengthCheck
&& typeof (cFig.strengthCheck) === 'object') {
function getTargetElements(strengthCheck) {
Object.entries(strengthCheck).forEach(([propertyName, queryString]) => {
if (typeof (queryString) === 'string') {
const target = document.body.querySelector(queryString);
if (target) {
targetElements[propertyName] = target;
else if (typeof (queryString) === 'object') {
const password = simplePass(cFig.defaultPasswordModifier, cFig);
* Inject our initial password
if (!(password instanceof Promise)) {
injectSimplePass(passwordTarget, password, targetElements);
else {
password.then((password) => {
injectSimplePass(passwordTarget, password, targetElements);
* If we have any action elements set,
* we need to preform more work.
if (cFig.elements.actions) {
* Generate Action Button
if (cFig.elements.actions.generate) {
document.body.querySelector(cFig.elements.actions.generate)?.addEventListener('click', function () {
* If this is a submit button and it has been clicked.
* we do not need to generate another password so bail out here.
if ((this instanceof HTMLButtonElement)
&& this.form
&& this.type === 'submit') {
const password = simplePass(cFig.defaultPasswordModifier, cFig);
if (!(password instanceof Promise)) {
injectSimplePass(passwordTarget, password, targetElements);
else {
password.then((password) => {
injectSimplePass(passwordTarget, password, targetElements);
* Password Modifier Form
if (cFig.elements.actions.form) {
const passwordForm = document.body.querySelector(cFig.elements.actions.form);
if (passwordForm) {
passwordForm.addEventListener('submit', function (event) {
const passwordModifiers = new FormData(this);
let batchAmount = (parseInt(passwordModifiers.get('passwordBatchAmount')?.toString() ?? '0') - 1);
const passwordContainer = document.body.querySelector(cFig.elements.passwordContainer ?? '.simplePass_passwordContainer');
if (!passwordContainer) {
messageHandler(`ERROR.simplePass-I.3: Use of batch password generation without a password container.`, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
if (batchAmount
&& batchAmount > 0) {
const statIndex = document.body.querySelector('.simplePass_passwordStatsIndex');
const batchTotal = batchAmount + 1;
if (statIndex) {
statIndex.innerText = `(For Password: ${batchAmount + 1})`;
passwordContainer.innerHTML = '';
const OL = document.createElement('ol');
while (batchAmount--) {
const LI = document.createElement('li');
LI.dataset.simplePassIndex = (batchAmount + 1).toString();
Object.assign(LI.style, { cursor: "pointer" });
const password_LABEL = document.createElement('label');
password_LABEL.innerText = "Password:";
const password_INPUT = document.createElement('input');
password_INPUT.type = 'text';
password_INPUT.setAttribute('readonly', 'readonly');
const password = simplePass(passwordModifiers);
if (!(password instanceof Promise)) {
injectSimplePass(password_INPUT, password);
else {
password.then((password) => {
injectSimplePass(password_INPUT, password);
if (typeof (password) !== 'string') {
LI.addEventListener('click', function () {
if (!(password instanceof Promise)) {
injectStrengthStats(password, targetElements);
else {
password.then((password) => {
injectStrengthStats(password, targetElements);
if (statIndex) {
statIndex.innerText = `(For Password: ${LI.dataset.simplePassIndex})`;
const LI = document.createElement('li');
LI.dataset.simplePassIndex = batchTotal.toString();
const password_LABEL = document.createElement('label');
password_LABEL.innerText = "Password:";
const password_INPUT = document.createElement('input');
password_INPUT.type = 'text';
password_INPUT.setAttribute('readonly', 'readonly');
const password = simplePass(passwordModifiers);
if (!(password instanceof Promise)) {
injectSimplePass(password_INPUT, password, targetElements);
else {
password.then((password) => {
injectSimplePass(password_INPUT, password, targetElements);
if (typeof (password) !== 'string') {
LI.addEventListener('click', function () {
if (!(password instanceof Promise)) {
injectStrengthStats(password, targetElements);
else {
password.then((password) => {
injectStrengthStats(password, targetElements);
if (statIndex) {
statIndex.innerText = `(For Password: ${LI.dataset.simplePassIndex})`;
else if (passwordContainer.querySelector('ol')) {
passwordContainer.innerHTML = '';
const password_LABEL = document.createElement('label');
password_LABEL.innerText = "Password:";
const password_INPUT = document.createElement('input');
password_INPUT.type = 'text';
password_INPUT.setAttribute('readonly', 'readonly');
const password = simplePass(passwordModifiers, cFig);
if (!(password instanceof Promise)) {
injectSimplePass(password_INPUT, password, targetElements);
else {
password.then((password) => {
injectSimplePass(password_INPUT, password, targetElements);
else {
const passwordTarget = document.body.querySelector(cFig.elements.passwordTarget);
if (!passwordTarget) {
messageHandler(`ERROR.simplePass-I.2: Could not find a password target`, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
const password = simplePass(passwordModifiers, cFig);
if (!(password instanceof Promise)) {
injectSimplePass(passwordTarget, password, targetElements);
else {
password.then((password) => {
injectSimplePass(passwordTarget, password, targetElements);
if (cFig.defaultPasswordModifier) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(cFig.defaultPasswordModifier)) {
const input = passwordForm.querySelector(`[name=${key}]`);
if (input
&& value) {
if (input.type === 'checkbox'
|| input.type === 'radio') {
input.checked = true;
else {
input.value = value.toString();
* Event listeners for "Radio Checkboxes".
* Just loops through all the checkboxes and unchecks and box that does not have the same value as the
* currently clicked box.
const radioCheckboxes = passwordForm.querySelectorAll('input[data-radioCheckbox]');
radioCheckboxes.forEach((input) => {
input.addEventListener('click', function () {
radioCheckboxes.forEach((input) => {
if (input.value !== this.value) {
if (input.checked) {
input.checked = false;
* Copy Action Button
if (cFig.elements.actions.copy) {
document.body.querySelector(cFig.elements.actions.copy)?.addEventListener(('click'), function () {
let copiedPassword = '';
// Why are we not finding our new elements?
document.body.querySelectorAll(cFig.elements.passwordTarget).forEach((password, passwordIndex) => {
if (!passwordIndex) {
copiedPassword += `${getInnerTextOrValue(password)}`;
copiedPassword += `\n${getInnerTextOrValue(password)}`;
navigator.clipboard.writeText(copiedPassword).then(() => {
this.style.backgroundColor = `green`;
this.innerText = 'Copied!';
setTimeout(() => {
this.innerText = 'Copy';
}, 5000);
.catch((error) => {
messageHandler(`ERROR.simplePass-Ic.1: Unable to copy to clipboard! Environment Error: ${error.message}.`, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);