Interface for object that represents a 'Password Modifier' object used by the simplePass main function
Note: 1 attribute from the
Character Code Constraints
object is required for the program to function.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
length | number | The length the password should be. | |
excludeCharacters | string | <optional> | A string containing any characters the password should exclude. |
lowercase | boolean | <optional> | If the password should contain lowercase characters |
uppercase | boolean | <optional> | If the password should contain uppercase characters. |
numbers | boolean | <optional> | If the password should contain numbers |
punctuation | boolean | <optional> | If the password should contain punctuation. |
whitespaceBeginning | boolean | <optional> | If the password can contain white-space at the beginning. |
required_whitespaceBeginning | boolean | <optional> | If the password is required to contain a white-space in the beginning. |
whitespaceEnd | boolean | <optional> | If the password can contain white-space at the end. |
required_whitespaceEnd | boolean | <optional> | If the password is required to contain a white-space in the end. |
whitespaceBetween | boolean | <optional> | If the password can contain white-space in the middle. |
max_whitespaceBetween | boolean | <optional> | The number of white-spaces to insert in the middle of the password. |
repeatingCharacter | boolean | <optional> | If the password is required to contain a repeating character. |
uniqueCharacters | boolean | <optional> | If the password should only contain unique characters. |
max_repeatingCharacter | number | <optional> | The number of repeating character sets the password requires. |
customRepeatingCharacters | string | Array.<Array.<string>> | <optional> | A string input of repeating characters that should be repeated in the password. This can also include how many times the character should be repeated in the password; if so, the property will be converted to a list. |
lowercase_supplement | boolean | <optional> | If the password should contain Latin(1) Supplement Lowercase characters. |
uppercase_supplement | boolean | <optional> | If the password should contain Latin(1) Supplement Uppercase characters. |
symbols_supplement | boolean | <optional> | If the password should contain Latin(1) Supplement Symbol characters. |
preConfig | string | <optional> | If the password should follow a set of pre-configured rules. |