* simplePass - A JavaScript password generator.
* Copyright (C) 2023 Jordan Vezina(staticBanter)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
'use strict';
import whitespaceAttributes from "./data/lists/whitespaceAttributes.js";
import characterCodeConstraints from "./data/objects/characterCodeConstraints.js";
import errors from "./data/objects/errors.js";
import passwordPreConfigs from "./data/objects/passwordPreConfigs.js";
import cleanModifier from "./functions/cleanModifier.js";
import ensureRepeatingCharacters from "./functions/ensureRepeatingCharacters.js";
import generateCharCode from "./functions/generateCharCode.js";
import initializer from "./functions/initializer.js";
import messageHandler from "./functions/messageHandler.js";
import shuffle from "./functions/shuffle.js";
import strengthChecker from "./functions/strengthChecker.js";
import validateModifier from "./functions/validateModifier.js";
import config from "./simplePass.config.js";
* @file This file contains the main 'simplePass' function. This file also is used to export any other function methods that are attached to the main function.
* Other programs that wish to use simplePass should import this file into there program and call various functions/methods found inside of this file.
* @module simplePass
* Main program function.
* Returns either a random strin or a [strength check password object]{@link module:strengthCheckedPassword} that contains the a random string with additional information.
* If compression is configured, simplePass will return a [Promise](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise) containing your [strength check password object]{@link module:strengthCheckedPassword}.
* @function simplePass
* @param {passwordModifier | FormData} [modifier] The available [password modifiers]{@link module:passwordModifier} that can be used to create the password. Defaults to *[config.defaultPasswordModifier]{@link module:config}*.
* @param {module:config} [cFig] The configuration settings for the program.
* @requires errors
* @requires cleanModifier
* @requires validateModifier
* @requires whitespaceAttributes
* @requires generateCharCode
* @requires ensureRepeatingCharacters
* @requires shuffle
* @requires strengthChecker
* @requires passwordPreConfigs
* @requires messageHandler
* @requires characterCodeConstraints
* @throws {errors} Will throw an Error if the [modifier]{@link passwordModifier} is ```null```, ```undefined``` or not a JavaScript Object.
* @returns {string | strengthCheckedPassword | Promise<strengthCheckedPassword>} The generated password or strength checked password object.
export default function simplePass(modifier = config.defaultPasswordModifier, cFig = config) {
let messageBoard = null;
if (cFig.messages
&& cFig.messages.messageBoard) {
messageBoard = document.body.querySelector(cFig.messages.messageBoard);
messageHandler('CLEAR', {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard,
clear: true,
} : undefined),
consoleMessage: {
clear: cFig.messages?.clearConsole,
level: "CLEAR"
}, cFig);
* If the modifier is not an object
* throw an error.
if (!modifier
|| typeof modifier !== 'object') {
messageKey: 'invalidModifier',
templateMessages: {
replacements: [
templates: errors
}, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard,
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
// Remove unneeded object attributes and normalize formData objects.
modifier = cleanModifier(modifier);
// Ensure certain values are set and set properly.
try {
catch (caught) {
if (caught.message) {
messageKey: `${caught.name ?? 'Internal Error'}: ${caught.message}`,
}, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard,
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
else {
messageKey: caught.errorKey,
templateMessages: {
replacements: caught.replacements,
templates: errors,
}, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
// Initialize the password.
let password = '';
let middleCharacters = '';
// Initialize preserve beginning and end character flags.
let preserveBeginning = false;
let preserveEnd = false;
if (!cFig.defaultPasswordModifier) {
cFig.defaultPasswordModifier = Object.assign(config.defaultPasswordModifier, cFig.defaultPasswordModifier);
if (!cFig.passwordConstraints) {
cFig.passwordConstraints = Object.assign(config.passwordConstraints, cFig.defaultPasswordModifier);
if (modifier.preConfig) {
const preConfig = passwordPreConfigs[modifier.preConfig];
modifier = {
length: modifier.length
if (preConfig) {
Object.assign(modifier, preConfig);
// Get the attributes that can affect the character type
const characterAttributes = Object.keys(modifier).filter((item) => {
return Object.keys(characterCodeConstraints).includes(item);
// Get the attributes that can set whitespace
const setWhitespaceAttributes = Object.keys(modifier).filter((item) => {
return whitespaceAttributes.includes(item);
* Because we manually add the first and last character
* we need to changed the password length limit.
let passwordLimit = (modifier.length - 2);
* Prevent ```uniqueCharacters``` begin set
* with modifiers that conflict with it.
if (modifier.uniqueCharacters
&& (modifier.repeatingCharacter
|| modifier.whitespaceBeginning
|| modifier.whitespaceEnd
|| modifier.whitespaceEnd
|| modifier.required_whitespaceEnd
|| modifier.required_whitespaceBeginning
|| modifier.whitespaceBetween
|| modifier.max_whitespaceBetween
|| modifier.preConfig)) {
messageHandler(`ERROR.simplePass-M_E.2: Unique modifier was set with clashing modifiers.`);
* If the repeating characters attribute is set we need to generate less characters.
if (modifier.repeatingCharacter) {
if (modifier.customRepeatingCharacters) {
if (typeof (modifier.customRepeatingCharacters) !== 'string') {
modifier.customRepeatingCharacters.forEach((set) => {
passwordLimit -= parseInt(set[1]);
else {
passwordLimit -= (modifier.customRepeatingCharacters.length * 2);
if (modifier.max_repeatingCharacter) {
passwordLimit -= modifier.max_repeatingCharacter;
else if (modifier.max_repeatingCharacter) {
passwordLimit -= modifier.max_repeatingCharacter;
else {
* If the whitespace between attribute is set,
* we need to lower the password limit
* to make room for the whitespace.
if (modifier.whitespaceBetween) {
const max_whitespaceBetween = modifier.max_whitespaceBetween ?? 1;
if ((modifier.length - max_whitespaceBetween) < characterAttributes.length) {
messageKey: 'ERROR: The password length can not contain the selected amount of characters',
}, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard,
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
passwordLimit = passwordLimit - max_whitespaceBetween;
* If the password limit drops below zero the password will not be able to contain all the characters.
if (passwordLimit <= -1) {
messageKey: 'ERROR: The password length can not contain the selected amount of characters',
}, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard,
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
* If our character attributes list is greater than one,
* we need to use `.pop()` and therefore need to do more work,
* like ensuring the attribute list is replenished.
* Where if there is only one item we can just reference that.
if (characterAttributes.length > 1) {
* Because we may need through the attributes a few times
* we don't want to modify the original list.
* Therefore we create a new list.
* Because we don't want this list to just be a pointer
* to the old list we need to initialize it and contact
* the old list to it.
let deck = [];
deck = deck.concat(shuffle(characterAttributes));
* Set the first character of the password.
* Check if it's required to be a whitespace.
if (modifier.whitespaceBeginning
&& modifier.required_whitespaceBeginning) {
password += ' ';
preserveBeginning = true;
else {
try {
password += String.fromCharCode(generateCharCode({
charType: deck[0],
charCodeOptions: {
whitespaceOptions: setWhitespaceAttributes,
excludeCharacters: modifier.excludeCharacters
}, {
beginning: true
}, cFig.cryptoModule));
catch (caught) {
if (caught.message) {
messageKey: `${caught.name ?? 'Internal Error'}: ${caught.message}`,
}, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard,
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
else {
messageKey: caught.errorKey,
templateMessages: {
replacements: caught.replacements,
templates: errors,
}, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard,
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
* Set the middle characters for the password.
while (middleCharacters.length < passwordLimit) {
* If the current character type is undefined,
* and the deck length is 0,
* replenish the deck.
if (!deck.length) {
deck = deck.concat(shuffle(characterAttributes));
try {
const generatedCharacter = String.fromCharCode(generateCharCode({
charType: deck[0],
charCodeOptions: {
whitespaceOptions: setWhitespaceAttributes,
excludeCharacters: modifier.excludeCharacters
}, undefined, cFig.cryptoModule));
if (modifier.uniqueCharacters) {
if (password.includes(generatedCharacter)
|| middleCharacters.includes(generatedCharacter)) {
middleCharacters += generatedCharacter;
catch (caught) {
if (caught.message) {
messageKey: `${caught.name ?? 'Internal Error'}: ${caught.message}`,
}, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard,
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
else {
messageKey: caught.errorKey,
templateMessages: {
replacements: caught.replacements,
templates: errors,
}, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
// Add any needed whitespace characters.
if (modifier.whitespaceBetween) {
if (modifier.max_whitespaceBetween
&& modifier.max_whitespaceBetween > 1) {
while (modifier.max_whitespaceBetween--) {
middleCharacters += " ";
else {
middleCharacters += " ";
// Add the middle characters
password += shuffle(middleCharacters.split('')).join('');
* Set the last character of the password.
* Check if it's required to be a whitespace.
if (modifier.whitespaceEnd
&& modifier.required_whitespaceEnd) {
password += ' ';
preserveEnd = true;
else {
* If the current character type is undefined,
* and the deck length is 0,
* replenish the deck.
* We need to do this here because the loop
* could have ended it on empty.
if (!deck.length) {
deck = deck.concat(shuffle(characterAttributes));
try {
let generatedCharacter = String.fromCharCode(generateCharCode({
charType: deck[0],
charCodeOptions: {
whitespaceOptions: setWhitespaceAttributes,
excludeCharacters: modifier.excludeCharacters
}, {
end: true
}, cFig.cryptoModule));
if (modifier.uniqueCharacters) {
if (password.includes(generatedCharacter)) {
while (password.includes(generatedCharacter)) {
generatedCharacter = String.fromCharCode(generateCharCode({
charType: deck[0],
charCodeOptions: {
whitespaceOptions: setWhitespaceAttributes,
excludeCharacters: modifier.excludeCharacters
}, {
end: true
}, cFig.cryptoModule));
password += generatedCharacter;
catch (caught) {
if (caught.message) {
messageKey: `${caught.name ?? 'Internal Error'}: ${caught.message}`,
}, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard,
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
else {
messageKey: caught.errorKey,
templateMessages: {
replacements: caught.replacements,
templates: errors,
}, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
// Check if we need to repeat any characters.
if (modifier.repeatingCharacter) {
// Recreate the password
password = ensureRepeatingCharacters(password, {
repeatingSetCount: modifier.max_repeatingCharacter,
customCharacterSet: modifier.customRepeatingCharacters,
preservations: {
beginning: preserveBeginning,
end: preserveEnd
* The *ensureRepeatingCharacters* function may remove some characters from
* the original password.
* We will check if the password length is less than our requested length
* and add new characters if it is.
* Because *ensureRepeatingCharacters* function only removes repeating
* characters from the original password, we should be OK to add any
* new characters from the request as we like.
if (password.length < modifier.length) {
// Split the sting into pieces
let stringBeginning = password.slice(0, 1);
let stringMiddle = password.slice(1, password.length - 1);
let stringEnd = password.slice(password.length - 1, password.length);
// Add new characters to the middle of the string the way we usually do.
while (stringMiddle.length < (modifier.length - 2)) {
* Check and reinitialize deck.
if (!deck.length) {
deck = deck.concat(shuffle(characterAttributes));
* Add current character to string middle.
* If we can repeat this character we will.
try {
const currentCharacter = String.fromCharCode(generateCharCode({
charType: deck[0],
charCodeOptions: {
whitespaceOptions: setWhitespaceAttributes,
excludeCharacters: modifier.excludeCharacters
}, undefined, cFig.cryptoModule));
stringMiddle += currentCharacter;
// Repeat character if possible.
if ((stringMiddle.length + 1) <= (modifier.length - 2)) {
stringMiddle += currentCharacter;
catch (caught) {
if (caught.message) {
messageKey: `${caught.name ?? 'Internal Error'}: ${caught.message}`,
}, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard,
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
else {
messageKey: caught.errorKey,
templateMessages: {
replacements: caught.replacements,
templates: errors,
}, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
// Recreate our password.
password = stringBeginning + shuffle(stringMiddle.split('')).join('') + stringEnd;
else {
// ^ Our character attributes list only contained one item.
* Set the first character of the password.
* Check if it's required to be a whitespace.
if (modifier.whitespaceBeginning
&& modifier.required_whitespaceBeginning) {
password += ' ';
preserveBeginning = true;
else {
try {
password += String.fromCharCode(generateCharCode({
charType: characterAttributes[0],
charCodeOptions: {
whitespaceOptions: setWhitespaceAttributes,
excludeCharacters: modifier.excludeCharacters
}, {
beginning: true
}, cFig.cryptoModule));
catch (caught) {
if (caught.message) {
messageKey: `${caught.name ?? 'Internal Error'}: ${caught.message}`,
}, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard,
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
else {
messageKey: caught.errorKey,
templateMessages: {
replacements: caught.replacements,
templates: errors,
}, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
* Set the middle characters for the password.
while (middleCharacters.length < passwordLimit) {
try {
const generatedCharacter = String.fromCharCode(generateCharCode({
charType: characterAttributes[0],
charCodeOptions: {
whitespaceOptions: setWhitespaceAttributes,
excludeCharacters: modifier.excludeCharacters
}, undefined, cFig.cryptoModule));
if (modifier.uniqueCharacters) {
if (password.includes(generatedCharacter)
|| middleCharacters.includes(generatedCharacter)) {
middleCharacters += generatedCharacter;
catch (caught) {
if (caught.message) {
messageKey: `${caught.name ?? 'Internal Error'}: ${caught.message}`,
}, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard,
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
else {
messageKey: caught.errorKey,
templateMessages: {
replacements: caught.replacements,
templates: errors,
}, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
// Add any needed whitespace characters.
if (modifier.whitespaceBetween) {
if (modifier.max_whitespaceBetween
&& modifier.max_whitespaceBetween > 1) {
while (modifier.max_whitespaceBetween--) {
middleCharacters += " ";
else {
middleCharacters += " ";
// Add middle characters to password
password += shuffle(middleCharacters.split('')).join('');
* Set the last character of the password.
* Check if it's required to be a whitespace.
if (modifier.whitespaceEnd
&& modifier.required_whitespaceEnd) {
password += ' ';
preserveEnd = true;
else {
try {
let generatedCharacter = String.fromCharCode(generateCharCode({
charType: characterAttributes[0],
charCodeOptions: {
whitespaceOptions: setWhitespaceAttributes,
excludeCharacters: modifier.excludeCharacters
}, {
end: true
}, cFig.cryptoModule));
if (modifier.uniqueCharacters) {
if (password.includes(generatedCharacter)) {
while (password.includes(generatedCharacter)) {
generatedCharacter = String.fromCharCode(generateCharCode({
charType: characterAttributes[0],
charCodeOptions: {
whitespaceOptions: setWhitespaceAttributes,
excludeCharacters: modifier.excludeCharacters
}, {
end: true
}, cFig.cryptoModule));
password += generatedCharacter;
catch (caught) {
if (caught.message) {
messageKey: `${caught.name ?? 'Internal Error'}: ${caught.message}`,
}, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard,
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
else {
messageKey: caught.errorKey,
templateMessages: {
replacements: caught.replacements,
templates: errors,
}, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
// Check if we need to repeat any characters.
if (modifier.repeatingCharacter) {
// Recreate the password
password = ensureRepeatingCharacters(password, {
repeatingSetCount: modifier.max_repeatingCharacter,
customCharacterSet: modifier.customRepeatingCharacters,
preservations: {
beginning: preserveBeginning,
end: preserveEnd
* The *ensureRepeatingCharacters* function may remove some characters from
* the original password.
* We will check if the password length is less than our requested length
* and add new characters if it is.
* Because *ensureRepeatingCharacters* function only removes repeating
* characters from the original password, we should be OK to add any
* new characters from the request as we like.
if (password.length < modifier.length) {
// Split the sting into pieces
let stringBeginning = password.slice(0, 1);
let stringMiddle = password.slice(1, password.length - 1);
let stringEnd = password.slice(password.length - 1, password.length);
// Add new characters to the middle of the string the way we usually do.
while (stringMiddle.length < (modifier.length - 2)) {
try {
const currentCharacter = String.fromCharCode(generateCharCode({
charType: characterAttributes[0],
charCodeOptions: {
whitespaceOptions: setWhitespaceAttributes,
excludeCharacters: modifier.excludeCharacters
}, undefined, cFig.cryptoModule));
stringMiddle += currentCharacter;
// If we can repeat this character we shall.
if ((stringMiddle.length + 1) <= (modifier.length - 2)) {
stringMiddle += currentCharacter;
catch (caught) {
if (caught.message) {
messageKey: `${caught.name ?? 'Internal Error'}: ${caught.message}`,
}, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard,
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
else {
messageKey: caught.errorKey,
templateMessages: {
replacements: caught.replacements,
templates: errors,
}, {
htmlMessage: (messageBoard ? {
messageBoard: messageBoard,
} :
consoleMessage: true,
level: "ERROR",
}, cFig);
// Recreate our password.
password = stringBeginning + shuffle(stringMiddle.split('')).join('') + stringEnd;
if (cFig.strengthCheck) {
if (typeof (cFig.strengthCheck) === 'object'
&& cFig.strengthCheck.compression) {
const compressions = Object.keys(cFig.strengthCheck.compression)
.map((key) => {
return key.replace('Target', '');
.filter((key) => {
return [
return strengthChecker(password, {
characterSets: {
used: Object.keys(modifier),
available: Object.keys(characterCodeConstraints)
excludeCharacters: modifier.excludeCharacters,
min_length: cFig.passwordConstraints.min_length,
max_length: cFig.passwordConstraints.max_length
}, compressions);
return strengthChecker(password, {
characterSets: {
used: Object.keys(modifier),
available: Object.keys(characterCodeConstraints)
excludeCharacters: modifier.excludeCharacters,
min_length: cFig.passwordConstraints.min_length,
max_length: cFig.passwordConstraints.max_length
// Return the password.
return password;
simplePass.init = initializer;