
Password Stats:

If you have a batch of passwords, click on the password to display its stats.

Bits of Entropy:

Possible Combinations

Average Character Bit Length:

Binary String Length:

Percentage Of Unique Characters:

Compression Stats:

Higher is better.






Character Codes that are displayed are shown as the decimal value(s) for the character(s). A helpful list of these resources can be found at:

* Note: Pre-Configs will override any similar modifiers that are set, and remove unrelated modifiers.


  • Length: 22
  • Basic Latin Lowercase
  • Basic Latin Uppercase
  • Basic Latin Numbers
  • Basic Latin Punctuation


  • Length: 4
  • Basic Latin Numbers


  • Length: 22
  • Basic Latin Supplement Lowercase
  • Basic Latin Supplement Uppercase
  • Basic Latin Numbers
  • Basic Latin Supplement Punctuation


  • Length: 20
  • Basic Latin Lowercase
  • Basic Latin Uppercase
  • Basic Latin Numbers


  • Length: 256
  • Basic Latin Lowercase
  • Basic Latin Uppercase
  • Basic Latin Numbers
  • Basic Latin Punctuation
  • 5 - 13 Repeating Characters
  • 2 - 10 Whitespace Characters
  • Basic Latin Supplement Lowercase
  • Basic Latin Supplement Uppercase
  • Basic Latin Supplement Punctuation

* Warning: Excessive use of this feature may result in degraded performance or non-performance of the program.

* This option can not be combined with the following modifiers:

  • Repeating Characters
  • Whitespace Beginning/End (Required OR Optional)
  • Whitespace Between Limit
  • Pre-Configurations

* Warning This option will lower your passwords Entropy.

Ensure at least one character in the password will be repeated.

Specify the number of characters that should be repeated in the password.

Specify the exact characters that should be repeated in the password, as-well as indicate the number of times the character should repeat.

The input either needs to be a single string containing all characters wished to be repeated (abcd). Or it can be formatted to define the amount each character should be repeated (b a:3 \::4);

  • each set should be space separated,
  • characters single characters and characters with a repeat of 1 will default to a repeat of 2,
  • to use literal characters prefix them with a "\" (forward-slash),

* Note: This feature is currently limited with the total of repeated characters that can be requested in a password to the constraint of passwordLength - 2 (ie; a password of length 8 would can only contain 6 repeating characters).

* Note: This feature will ignore any password modifiers already set when including characters.

Beginning of Password
End of Password
Middle of Password

* Note: This set excludes 'Combination Characters' (decimal values: 1155-1161), because they are illegible when they are the only characters selected and can be hard to decern when combined with other characters.

* Note: This does not include the following character-codes/character-code-sets; [8192-8207], [8232-8239], [8287-8303].

* Note: This does not include the following character-codes/character-code-sets; [8372].