simplePass is not only designed to be a standalone application but it is also made to be integrated into your applications, allowing your clients to generate stronger passwords simply. Through this document we hope to demonstrate how you can obtain and integrate the simplePass program into your application.
Obtaining The Files
simplePass is currently distributed on Github under the staticBanter/simplePass repository.
If you are just looking for the production ready bundled JavaScript code then you can find it in the repo under /javascript/bundle/simplePass.bundle.js
If you are looking to tinker with simplePass or only need pieces we also offer an unbundled JavaScript and TypeScript versions of the code. We would also recommend taking a look at the Development documentation found within the repository as well.
If you would like to test simplePass or just need a password generator you can check simplePass out on its GitHub.IO page.
simplePass is built using 'Native JavaScript Modules' (also known as Ecmascript Modules) import and export syntax. Thus you will need a compatible environment to run simplePass and it's recommend to use the following import statement to include the program into your application.
import simplePass from "YOUR_DIRECTORY_PATH/simplePass.bundle.js"
simplePass Function
Once you have imported the simplePass function into your program you may call it like so:
simplePass(?passwordModifier:passwordModifier = passwordModifier,?strengthCheck:boolean|strengthCheckerStyling,?cFig:config = config)
For brevity we will skip over all of the possible arguments that can be passed to the parameters and stick with some simpler examples. If you need a better understanding of what each parameter does then you may review their respective documentation pages.
simplePass Function Parameters
Usage Inside Of JavaScript
First we will just import the simplePass program and use it to console.log()
various random strings.
// Import simplePass
import simplePass from "YOUR_DIRECTORY_PATH/simplePass.bundle.js"
* Generate a password with the default modifiers.
* Outputs similar to: 5UyO"Ir/nyB?Z65o0/3)Rm
As you can see integrating simplePass into your application can be as simple as two lines of code.
As we progress through this documentation we will create more complex examples of integration.
// Generate a more complex random password.
const complexPass = simplePass({
length: 26,
lowercase: true,
uppercase: true,
numbers: true,
punctuation: true,
excludeCharacters: 'abc'
// outputs similar to: tsøû}BpWe:o]M6õ1þJ4D$þ/84ù
* Note: This documentation can not go through every possible form of integration into every type of application scenario. While it does go through many of the most common use cases, it is highly advised you use this documentation as a starting point for more complex integration scenarios. If you need further help please open a question on the GitHub Issues Board (you should also please read our Creating An Issue section of our Contributing documentation.)
Next let's add an element to our page to inject a random string into.
// Get an element to display our password
const displayPassword = document.body.querySelector(".simplePass_passwordTarget");
// Get an element to display our entropy score.
const passwordEntropy = document.body.querySelector('.simplePass_passwordEntropy');
// Create our password
const initialPassword = simplePass(
length: 22,
lowercase: true,
uppercase: true,
numbers: true,
punctuation: true
strengthCheck: {
entropyTarget: true
// Set our 'display element' text to the password.
displayPassword.innerText = initialPassword.password;
// Set the 'password entropy' elements inner text to our passwords entropy.
passwordEntropy.innerText = Math.round(initialPassword.entropy);
Bits Of Entropy ~:
Should produce something similar to:
Bits Of Entropy ~:
Initializer Function
simplePass also provides an automated function for assisting in the setting up of event-listeners for various buttons and forms.
This function is the simplePass.init(?cFig:config = config)
The cFig parameter is the same as one used by the simplePass()
Currently you have to call simplePass.init()
for each password target that you have.
* Note: you can customize the configuration values to suite your applications needs but for this documentation we will be sticking to the default values.
* Note: The simplePass.init()
function is intended to work in environments where their is an HTML DOM present.
Targeting An Inline Element
For this example we will:
import simplePass into our script;
Add the a class identifier to the element that is our desired password target;
Call the
The simplePass.init()
function can also determine if the element you are trying to target is an input
and insert the password into the inputs value attribute instead of the innerText.
// Import simplePass
import simplePass from "YOUR_DIRECTORY_PATH/simplePass.bundle.js";
// Call the initializer function
Given the above JavaScript and HTML the results should look something like the following:
Integrating With A Registration Form
A more practical use case for simplePass is the integration with a websites registration form.
For this example we will:
import simplePass into our script;
Add the following class identifier
to the element that is our desired password target; -
Optionally: Add action buttons so your clients may Regenerate and Copy their generated password. Ensure these elements have their respective class identifiers set based on their configuration attributes.
Call the
// Import simplePass
import simplePass from "YOUR_DIRECTORY_PATH/simplePass.bundle.js";
// Call the initializer function
The result should look like something below:
Integrating A Modifier Form
If you would like your clients to have some customization over their password you must add an extra form with the necessary inputs.
simplePass will also set the default attributes for each input based on the default password modifiers configured.
The name attributes of these input
elements must match the keys of the passwordModifier
For the following example we will take the the JavaScript and HTML from the previous example and modify the following:
Add a new
with the a uniqueid
attribute. -
Set the Regenerate buttons
attribute to "submit". Also set this buttonsform
attribute to theid
of the new form we added. -
Call the
// Import simplePass
import simplePass from "YOUR_DIRECTORY_PATH/simplePass.bundle.js";
// Call the initializer function
Should produce the following:
From here you should be able to add any password modifier to your forms.
Batch Password Generation
simplePass also has the ability to generate batches of passwords if this is desired.
* Note: This is currently not a native feature of simplePass as it requires the use of the simplePass.init()
function and can only be used in conjunction with a form.
We understand this is inconstant and unitive to how the program should function and are working on a way to implement some form of batch option inside of the simplePass()
function itself.
For this example we continue to use the same JavaScript example as the previous but we will only use the Password Modifier form from the previous example (as generating batches of passwords in not generally a registration use case).
We will als need to preform the following modifications:
Add a new
following the same naming convention as other form inputs. -
Instead of setting our password target to an
element we will instead use an Inline Element such as a paragraph or span. -
Our password target element must be nested inside of a separate element. We must give this element the class identifier of "simplePass_passwordContainer"
When you click the Regenerate button this time, if you have a set a batch amount of passwords simplePass will inject a list
// Import simplePass
import simplePass from "YOUR_DIRECTORY_PATH/simplePass.bundle.js";
// Call the initializer function
Should produce the following:
Password Stats
simplePass has the ability to display various stats about the generated password such as:
- Bits of Entropy
- Possible Combinations
- Binary Information
- Percentage of Unique Characters
simplePass determines password Entropy using the following equation:
E = (l*log2(p))
- E: Is the Entropy of the password.
- l: Is the Length of the password
- p: Is the number of Possibilities (number of possible characters).
Building upon our previous examples we will add a Passwords Stats section and display some stats.
* Note: When using Batch Password Generation simplePass will initially only display the stats for the last generated password. Clicking on generated passwords will update the stats.
* Note: If you are using Batch Password Generation ensure you are not putting your Entropy Target inside of your Password Container or else it will be removed when generating passwords.
// Import simplePass
import simplePass from "YOUR_DIRECTORY_PATH/simplePass.bundle.js";
// Call the initializer function
Password Stats
Bits of Entropy:
Possible Combinations
Average Character Bit Length:
Binary String Length:
Percentage Of Unique Characters:
Should produce something similar to:
Password Stats
Bits of Entropy:
Possible Combinations
Average Character Bit Length:
Binary String Length:
Percentage Of Unique Characters:
Error Messages
Due to simplePass being part standalone application it needs the ability to handle and display various messages to the user, such as an Error Message or Invalid Input Message. If this might not be entirely suitable for your needs thus you can disable this feature as well and have simplePass resort to throwing exceptions that can be caught by your application.
To enable simplePass messaging you can add a messages.messageBoard
attribute to your simplePass.config
file with a DOM Query String that references
an element that simplePass can attach messages to (default value: ".simplePass_messageBoard"
Using the following code.
// Import simplePass
import simplePass from "YOUR_DIRECTORY_PATH/simplePass.bundle.js";
// Call the initializer function
Bits Of Entropy ~:
Should produce something to the similar
Bits Of Entropy ~:
Attempting to create a password without any modifiers should trigger an Error and result in a message being added to the board.
And just like that we have gone from simply including simplePass into our JavaScript all the way to:
- adding a (basic) form for customizing password generation, to;
- displaying information about our passwords;
- instructing our clients of errors with messages.
We hope you find this documentation useful!